Everything you need to know about customer communications and customer experience!
John Zimmerer
September 29th, 2017
In a recent article and video for Forbes, “The Case for a Chief Omnichannel Officer,” Blake Morgan (@BlakeMichelleM) argues for the inclusion of a Chief Omnichannel Officer in the C-suite. This would be an executive who manages all employee and customer touchpoints across the organization, getting them out of silos and creating visibility into the customer experience. But isn’t that the same thing as what many companies are calling their Chief Customer Officer? Go take a couple of minutes to watch Morgan’s short but insightful take on this topic.
John Zimmerer
August 4th, 2017
In “Why Your Business Needs to Know About — and Prioritise — ‘Operational Customer Experience’”, Alok Kulkarni asserts that “there is a crucial element of CX that has been overlooked within the customer engagement management landscape. It’s called Operational Customer Experience (OCX) — applied effectively, it could transform the way your company communicates.” Since OCX specifically focuses on customers’ experience of an organization’s technology systems, Kulkarni advocates for prioritizing OCX and analyzing customer interactions to identify failures.
John Zimmerer
July 7th, 2017
In a McKinsey article entitled “From Touchpoints to Journeys: Seeing the World As Customers Do,” Nicholas Maechler, Kevin Neher and Robert Park discuss maximizing customer satisfaction by focusing on the end-to-end customer journey rather than on individual touchpoints as many have in the past.
Customer Experience | Customer Communications | INTOUCH
John Zimmerer
June 16th, 2017
In The Future of CCM: Communications-As-A-Service, Forrester VP and Principal Analyst Craig Le Clair (@CSLeClair) briefly mentions Twilio as an emerging communications solution that provides APIs to support in-app chat, notifications, SMS/text messaging, picture, voice, and video messaging and user authentication.
Customer Communications | INTOUCH
John Zimmerer
May 25th, 2017
Forrester VP and Principal Analyst Craig LeClair (@CSLeClair) has a brand new report out, called The Future of CCM: Communications-As-A-Service. The purpose of the report is to shed light on strategic choices for enterprise architects struggling to figure out how Customer Communications Management (CCM) fits in an increasingly cloud-centric, multi-platform digital experience technology landscape.
Customer Communications | INTOUCH
John Zimmerer
April 29th, 2017
We’ve been telling you about how INTOUCH® is the first completely new customer communications management (CCM) solution in years, with its exceptionally business-user-friendly UI and UX and its services-based architecture built using containers and microservices. In this article, we present an overview of that architecture.