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CCM Use Case: Claims Correspondence Blog Feature
Mike Lui

By: Mike Lui on October 25th, 2021

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CCM Use Case: Claims Correspondence

Correspondence | Customer Experience

One of the oldest sayings in insurance goes something like, “you don’t want it until you need it, and then it’s too late.” While the saying is a little bit of a sales-phrase, the core concept is pretty much spot-on and does a good job of illuminating the value that insurance policies provide to the holders. Consumers who have been through a claims process before know firsthand how valuable their insurance policy is. The claims process is likely one of the most stressful customer journeys that exist in the insurance industry. This is mainly because of the variety of emotional components that are potentially involved in a claim. This is why claims correspondence elevated by sophisticated CCM will bring your business to the next level. 

CCM Use Case- Claims Correspondence

During a claim, consumers are often emotionally upset, confused, distraught, and a whole slew of other things. As an insurance professional it’s your duty to not only guide your consumers through the details of the claims process, but to also express empathy and understanding for what they’re going through. By expressing a sense of empathy and understanding to your consumers, you’ll see an increase in customer loyalty and a growth of customer appreciation. Additionally, this can even lead to stronger personal references. 

Put The Customer First

Putting the customer first is far from a new concept. Especially when it comes to service industries. It may be surprising to some to learn that insurance is considered a service industry, but when you think about the fundamentals of what the insurance industry is, it makes sense that it’s considered a part of the service industry. 

In claims correspondence, however, putting the customer first is more than just a philosophy, it’s a necessity. By putting yourself in the customer’s shoes you’ll find a deeper understanding of the situation that they’re in, and the stress that a claim can incite. By finding this understanding, you’ll be better equipped to have discussions with the customer about their current situation, the claim itself, and how to best assist them moving forward. 

Using The CCM Features To Ease Claim Correspondence

When it comes to claims correspondence at scale, it goes to reason that manual communications for each and every touchpoint along the claims process was simply ineffective and inefficient. Therefore, with the rise of InsureTech and the digitization of the insurance industry overall, including claims correspondence as an aspect of a comprehensive CCM solution was vital. 

CCM technology, like that offered by Topdown Systems, uses a suite of programming to create efficient, effective, and seamless communications with your customers, and can even automate entire customer journeys. The main three technologies that CCM’s utilize are automation, business logic, and artificial intelligence. 

The three of these technologies combined create useful CCM tools like recyclable content libraries, automated customer journeys, automated batch-communications, data analysis, and so much more. 

Clear, Concise, Empathetic

Being clear and concise are two of the fundamental building blocks that create effective business-to-consumer communications. By keeping communications and correspondence brief and easy-to-understand, customers won’t feel as confused or overwhelmed by regular correspondence on their policies. 

Empathy, however, is really the key ingredient that will take business communications from good to great. By weaving in empathy and understanding, your customers will be more likely to engage with you and your company, and report a positive experience.  

A Quick Overview On Claims Correspondence 

Claims correspondence is truly the bread and butter of the insurance industry. After all, the claims process is the entire reason that the insurance industry exists. 


In utilizing your CCM and creating effective and efficient claims correspondence, keep your communications clear, concise, and empathetic to see your business soar. For more information on claims correspondence or anything else related to using your CCM, keep browsing Topdown Systems for information on everything CCM. 

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