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Everything you need to know about customer communications and customer experience!

Blog Feature

Customer Experience | Customer Communications | Personalization | Customer Journey

Where Is Your Customer in Their Journey?

By: John Zimmerer
October 26th, 2020

When working with customers, knowing what they want so that we get to know them individually is imperative. We want to focus on not only what they want to achieve, but also what they expect from us to help them to get to these goals, whichever field, or industry they may be in.

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Blog Feature

Integration | Marketing | Customer Communications | Personalization | INTOUCH

How To Target Your Audience Using CCM Software

By: John Zimmerer
October 19th, 2020

Organizations of all types are using more technology today in day-to-day operations than ever before. Marketing and communication professionals have not sat idly by as they now incorporate sophisticated software to segment and communicate with their audience.

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Research conducted by Forrester on the value of combining CCM and digital experience.

Blog Feature

Customer Experience | Customer Communications | Technology

Top CCM Trends of 2020

By: John Zimmerer
October 12th, 2020

It's trite but true: Technology is constantly changing and evolving. Sometimes those changes are massive, other times they’re almost unnoticeable, especially if you don’t know what to look for. That’s why it’s so important to keep up to date on the latest news and trends that shape an industry. This is especially true for industry leaders and decision makers.

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Blog Feature

Customer Communications

How CCM Can Streamline Your Processes

By: John Zimmerer
October 5th, 2020

When dealing with customers, organizations may find it nearly impossible to track and remember every interaction and the status of where each account may lay. Maintaining a consistent communication with the customer can get even more challenging when their primary contact goes on vacation and someone else is left to communicate with that client. These gaps can irritate your customers, who want to feel as though you know with at least a modicum of familiarity so you can recall important details about them.

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Blog Feature

Customer Experience | Customer Communications

Why You Need a CCM/CX Implementation Strategy

By: John Zimmerer
September 28th, 2020

The age-old saying goes, “Rome wasn’t built in a day”. In modern parlance, developing a new entity isn’t going to happen overnight, and neither will implementing a significant change to an already well-established organization. This concept holds especially true in the development of a comprehensive customer experience (CX) by creating and enacting a true CX implementation strategy.

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Blog Feature

Customer Communications

Top Three Benefits of an Effective CCM Strategy

By: John Zimmerer
September 21st, 2020

Communication is at the heart of our society and its importance is felt strongly in the business world. Lasting relationships—including those between companies and customers—are built on these strong communications. As such, having a comprehensive strategy for customer communications elevates an organization's ability to connect and serve their customers.

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