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Customer Communications Blog


Everything you need to know about customer communications and customer experience!

Blog Feature


Becoming Better Communicators

By: Loraleigh Daum
February 19th, 2024

Communication is at the core of everything we do. Every interaction, and all throughout history, communication is at the root. Language and communication are some of the most complicated and intricate subjects of history, and that’s because of their importance in community. Without some form of communication, there is no community. The latter depends on the former. Although communication has evolved, morphed and evolved over the centuries, it is still very much ingrained into our daily lives. Today, communications are instantaneous, they span the globe in a matter of milliseconds. Additionally, there is a whole plethora of modern communication channels and platforms that consumers utilize regularly. All of this combines to create a labyrinth of digital communications.

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Blog Feature

Correspondence | Customer Experience

Prioritize Consumers with Powerful Customer Journey Strategy

By: Loraleigh Daum
May 22nd, 2023

Over the past couple of years there has been a massive acceleration into the digital era. With it, this acceleration brought about an immersive and comprehensive virtual economy. The transition into this digital era and largely virtual marketplace was long-coming, but initially it was on a slow trajectory. The global pandemic, however, created an unprecedented push into the digital marketplace as remote operations and remote services became a necessity. Many modern consumers are considered digital natives and in turn, operate with what’s referred to as a digital mindset. Digital native simply connotes any individual who was born and raised after the birth of the internet. This is a consumer-group that understands and embraces the world of technology. In social lives, professional lives, dating lives, and everything in between. This immersion into the technological world also creates the digital mindset. This is a mindset that is composed of various thought patterns and tendencies that are typical or at least relatively common amongst digital natives. The digital mindset isn’t exclusive to digital natives, though, which is an important distinction. Anyone who embraces technology with open arms likely operates with a digital mindset. Understanding this is important in modern business as this knowledge helps in building a powerful customer journey strategy that caters to a growing group of modern consumers.

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Research conducted by Forrester on the value of combining CCM and digital experience.

Blog Feature

Automation | Correspondence | Content Management

The Role of Document Automation Software

By: Paige Tippett
October 10th, 2022

Communication is at the root of everything we do. From every relationship we build to every goal we accomplish, and even every sale we make. Communication is at the center of how we act and react in our everyday lives. This is an extremely important concept for organizational leaders to acknowledge and recognize, as it plays directly into the way that consumers respond to their brand. Without strong channels of business-to-consumer communication, the likelihood of success simply plummets. Having a communication strategy isn’t enough by itself, although it’s a good start. To really have a communication strategy work for you and your organization, though, requires a dedication to the communication process, and understanding your consumers. In today’s economy, the largest up and coming consumer segment consists of digital natives who operate with a digital mindset. Doubling down on these market segments, the one impact of the COVID-19 pandemic was a massive shift to a more virtual marketplace and economy. All of this results in a digital economy in which businesses are forced to find appropriate and convenient channels of customer communication that are efficient, serve a scaling book of business, and still retain a human touch. Organizations rely and depend on document automation software to address these market needs.

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Blog Feature

Automation | Customer | Correspondence

Document Creation Tools That Simplify Customer Communication

By: Mike Lui
June 27th, 2022

Efficiency is one of those terms that’s thrown around a lot in the circles of organizational management and leadership. While efficiency is always a central focal point of conversation and a heralded result, there isn’t any one path to creating internal efficiencies. However, there are systems and frameworks that can be installed into organizations that help improve various aspects of operations, and therefore, bolstering organizational efficiency. Efficiency isn’t only important to management, though. Efficiency is also a top priority among the majority of economic demographics; not only in the way of actual operations, but also regarding the speed and fluidity of communications and an organization’s ability to meet consumers where they are. With a consumer base that puts such a heavy emphasis on efficient and time effective communications, organizations need to be equipped to handle a bulk volume of customer communications smoothly and effectively. This is one reason utilizing document creation tools is considered a best practice that simplifies customer communication.

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Blog Feature

Correspondence | Customer Experience | Personalization | Content Management

Business Logic and Data To Pinpoint Customer Messaging

By: Mike Lui
December 15th, 2021

Communication is the key to any category of relationship. This includes the relationships that businesses and organizations build and maintain with their customers. One of the main elements of maintaining this relationship is in the messaging that businesses utilize. Many organizations implement automated messaging systems, but there’s a fine line between sophisticated customer messaging software systems, and automated bot programs. Creating impactful messaging that connects with the consumer on a personal level is an incredibly valuable aspect that sophisticated CCM software offers your staff and your organization.

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Blog Feature

Correspondence | Customer Experience

CCM Use Case: Claims Correspondence

By: Mike Lui
October 25th, 2021

One of the oldest sayings in insurance goes something like, “you don’t want it until you need it, and then it’s too late.” While the saying is a little bit of a sales-phrase, the core concept is pretty much spot-on and does a good job of illuminating the value that insurance policies provide to the holders. Consumers who have been through a claims process before know firsthand how valuable their insurance policy is. The claims process is likely one of the most stressful customer journeys that exist in the insurance industry. This is mainly because of the variety of emotional components that are potentially involved in a claim. This is why claims correspondence elevated by sophisticated CCM will bring your business to the next level.

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Research conducted by Forrester on the value of combining CCM and digital experience.