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Everything you need to know about customer communications and customer experience!

Blog Feature

Automation | Customer Communications

Six Ways Automating DOCCM Makes Every Day Feel Like a Holiday

By: John Zimmerer
September 1st, 2014

Ah, Labor Day. A time to kick back from work and enjoy the last vestige of summer. Wouldn’t it be great if every day could be Labor Day? Or, at the very least, a lot less laborious?

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Blog Feature

Customer Communications | Technology

Save (Hundreds of Thousands of) Dollars with DOCCM Audit Trail

By: John Zimmerer
August 25th, 2014

“Hello. This is your friendly compliance agent. We received a complaint about your customer communications that indicate they may violate HIPAA regulations, the FCRA and even the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003. I need to review all emails sent between July 31, 2012, and July 31, 2014, within 30 days. Oh, and each separate violation is subject to penalties of up to $50,000.”

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Research conducted by Forrester on the value of combining CCM and digital experience.

Blog Feature

Integration | Customer | Customer Communications | Technology

How Two Companies Multiplied Savings by Adding SIEBEL and DOCCM

By: John Zimmerer
July 28th, 2014

Company #1: EmblemHealth EmblemHealth had a problem. This large regional HMO and health insurance company, dedicated to providing excellent health coverage and administrative services to 3.4 million people, had less than excellent customer communications. They had previously used Microsoft® Word to generate communications to members, care providers and facilities, which resulted in templates scattered across nearly 3,000 desktops in 16 workgroups at seven facilities spread across three states.

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Blog Feature

Strategy | Customer Experience | Customer Communications

Three Reasons Business, Not IT, Should Own Customer Communications

By: John Zimmerer
June 9th, 2014

Many companies still rely on IT to make changes to their customer communications. It made sense when technology wasn’t advanced enough to provide non-technical users a way to interact with it, but today the “coders only” notion is as antiquated as flip phones and dial-up Internet connections.

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Blog Feature

CLIENT LETTER | Interactive | Customer Communications | Technology

What Is "Interactive" DOCCM?

By: John Zimmerer
April 21st, 2014

We've noticed some of our fellow DOCCM vendors and even a few analysts have been using the term "interactive" (with respect to customer communication management) to mean different things at different times.

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