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Customer Communications Blog


Everything you need to know about customer communications and customer experience!

Blog Feature

Customer Communications | Personalization

Adding Value Through Personalized Communications

By: Loraleigh Daum
October 2nd, 2023

Communication is an underlying aspect of each and every relationship that exists. This truth extends beyond the confines of humanity and even applies to plants and other lifeforms and ecosystems. Communication is not only a natural part of our lives, it is fundamental to creating and maintaining strong relationships both personally and professionally. Business communications can take many shapes and forms. From business to business communications, to colleague-to-colleague communications, and of course business-to-consumer communications as well. No matter how the dice are thrown, communication is at the heart of every functioning relationship. Not only this but the level of access that the average consumer enjoys today puts an even stronger emphasis on the value and importance of quality communications. Especially in a business context. This is why there is so much value in personalized communications.

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Blog Feature

Correspondence | Customer Experience | Personalization | Content Management

Business Logic and Data To Pinpoint Customer Messaging

By: Mike Lui
December 15th, 2021

Communication is the key to any category of relationship. This includes the relationships that businesses and organizations build and maintain with their customers. One of the main elements of maintaining this relationship is in the messaging that businesses utilize. Many organizations implement automated messaging systems, but there’s a fine line between sophisticated customer messaging software systems, and automated bot programs. Creating impactful messaging that connects with the consumer on a personal level is an incredibly valuable aspect that sophisticated CCM software offers your staff and your organization.

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Research conducted by Forrester on the value of combining CCM and digital experience.

Blog Feature

Personalization | Customer Journey | Content Management

Why Recyclable and Reusable Content is so Valuable

By: Mike Lui
November 17th, 2021

The phrase ‘content is king’ is a common expression amongst marketing professionals. The phrase by itself is pretty simple, and the philosophy behind it is that the more content your organization or business produces, through various channels, the wider and deeper of an audience you’ll be able to reach. However, this isn’t the only time in which ‘content is king’. With reusable content libraries, for example, content is not only king, but builds an extraordinary amount of value into your organization.

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Blog Feature

Automation | Customer Experience | Customer Communications | Personalization

Putting the Customer First with Personalized, Automated Communications

By: John Zimmerer
January 4th, 2021

With how busy everyone is and how immersed in technology most of our society seems to be these days, getting someone’s attention has become a competitive endeavor requiring a good deal of effort and creative strategy. But fret not, you have access to numerous tactics to craft meaningful and impactful customer communications and messaging that speak to the heart of your customer.

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Blog Feature

Automation | Customer Communications | Omni-channel | Personalization | Customer Journey | Document Automation

CCM Use Case: Batch Jobs

By: John Zimmerer
December 21st, 2020

2020 has revealed new aspects about the economy and the relationship that businesses form with their clients. One of these revelations, increasingly evident over the last decade or so, is the correlation between the customer experience and key business metrics.

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Blog Feature

Customer Experience | Customer Communications | Personalization | Customer Journey

Where Is Your Customer in Their Journey?

By: John Zimmerer
October 26th, 2020

When working with customers, knowing what they want so that we get to know them individually is imperative. We want to focus on not only what they want to achieve, but also what they expect from us to help them to get to these goals, whichever field, or industry they may be in.

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Research conducted by Forrester on the value of combining CCM and digital experience.