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Customer Communications Blog


Everything you need to know about customer communications and customer experience!

Blog Feature

Customer | Strategy | Customer Experience

Developing a Modern CX for the Modern Consumer

By: Loraleigh Daum
April 15th, 2024

The customer experience is multifaceted and takes into account every interaction that a customer has with a brand and organization. How customers engage and interact with various organizations on the market is also a part of the customer experience. The customer experience is an extremely important aspect in running any business. The ways in which brands deliver a high-quality customer experience, though, have had to evolve alongside the rest of the marketplace over the years. This is because the things that motivate and drive consumer behavior are constantly changing and fluctuating. Similarly, the way that brands and organizations interact and engage with their audience groups has to ebb and flow as well to meet the demands and needs of modern consumers.

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Blog Feature

Strategy | Customer Communications | Small Business

Using CCM Software to Ease your Company's “Growing Pains”

By: Loraleigh Daum
January 30th, 2023

While the population is at an all-time high, and will continue growing for the foreseeable future, thanks to technology, the world feels much smaller than it used to. Where it once would have been totally incomprehensible to instantly communicate with someone literally on the other side of the planet, it’s now as easy as hitting a ‘send’ button, or a call-button, if you prefer. The economy, too, experienced a similar phenomenon, as now cross-international business takes place each and every day. Some would go so far to say that there is no such thing as a domestic economy at all anymore. This has to do with the way that the supply chain is so interconnected and how many businesses rely on others to operate smoothly. Despite the intricacies of the global marketplace, this offers an opportunity to new and budding businesses. With the global economy more accessible than really ever before, start-up companies and mid-size organizations can look to greater heights and realistically set their sights on international growth. With this type of scalability, it only makes sense to implement and utilize a customer communication management software, or CCM software.

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Research conducted by Forrester on the value of combining CCM and digital experience.

Blog Feature

Strategy | Document Automation | Digital Transformation

The Digital Era and The Power of On-Demand Communication

By: Paige Tippett
August 22nd, 2022

The fastest growing demographic in the world is the digital mindset demographic. This is in part because everyone born in the last two-decades now, has grown up in a technologically integrated society. In other words, these are digital natives who grew up with the internet and smart-technology. It’s difficult, then, for these consumers to understand or fathom a world existing without those conveniences provided by advanced technology. Having these aspects readily available fundamentally changes the way in which we approach a problem, the way we communicate, and the way that we build our communities. Looking at the psychological impact of technology on consumer segments helps businesses understand the motives and interests of the people they are trying to reach. This also helps organizations build stronger levels of customer service and better communication strategies that include features such as on-demand communication.

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Blog Feature

Marketing | Strategy | Customer Experience

6 Customer Engagement Best Practices: 2022 Edition

By: Mike Lui
February 21st, 2022

The modern economy is defined by the customer relationship. This is due to the intersection of technology, transparency, and previously overlooked issues becoming urgent and prevalent. For example, the undeniable science of climate change has completely changed the way that conscious businesses operate. This is also because, thanks to technology and the internet of things (IoT), the average consumer now has access to the necessary information to support businesses based on things like environmental consciousness, if they choose. In turn, this forces businesses that want to stay competitive to operate in ways that align with their desired consumer demographics. Understanding how valuable the customer relationship is, is only one half of the equation. The other is putting it into practice. As such, here’s Topdown Systems list of customer engagement best practices for 2022.

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Blog Feature

Strategy | Customer Communications | Technology | INTOUCH | Digital Experience | Cloud

Next Generation of CCM: Topdown's Predictions

By: John Zimmerer
February 8th, 2021

We’ve talked about 2020 trends and what to avoid in 2021. In fact, we’ve published several posts on CCM trends over the last few years. When we take a step back and plot the curve over time, we clearly see the trajectory of CCM. Here’s where we see customer communication management (CCM) software headed.

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Blog Feature

Automation | Strategy | Customer Experience | Digital Experience | Document Automation

How An Effective Communications Strategy Drives Key Business Metrics

By: John Zimmerer
December 28th, 2020

We’ve all heard of the saying that “communication is key”. But what does that really mean, especially when it comes to business communications? Let’s take a look at how to measure the business impact of creating and sending customer communications.

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Research conducted by Forrester on the value of combining CCM and digital experience.